Hi there! We’d like to introduce ourselves and tell you a little more about us, the people behind EasyPeasySuccess and why we love building a business online.
We are Gill and Nikki, two random strangers from opposite ends of the UK who became online friends way back in 2012/13.
How We Met

Nikki and I met on good old Facebook when we were both involved with learning drop-shipping and Amazon fulfilment. We subsequently moved on to other programmes and have fallen victim to online scams here and there. Almost every person who works online will tell you they’ve lost money somewhere along the way. If they deny this, run away from them, quickly! We work from home at opposite ends of the country, making money and earning our living online, one way or another.
As we have previously mentioned, there are loads of ways to earn online and we’ve tested many of them. We will always give an honest review of any systems and packages we use and explain everything in as much detail as possible. Hopefully this may enable you to make a decision as to whether or not something is right for you. And we are always here for you if you have any questions. Because, you know, we live online …
Let us introduce ourselves.

I can’t believe I’m writing this but I’m a 60+ year-old (I have no idea how that happened) north-easterner. The bird from up north as Nikki likes to call me (although she still forgets which county I live in).😁 Happily married for over 40 years to my lovely fella, we have a son and daughter-in-law and beautiful little granddaughter who live in the south west (UK).
Like Nikki, I’m passionate about alternative therapies such as essential oils, crystals, Reiki (I’m qualified to degree level 3) and also the Law of Attraction. We share so many interests, it was more or less inevitable that we would end up working together somewhere along the line. We’ve talked about it often enough, over the years. 😊
Writing & Other Stuff
I love writing and have self-published two books on Amazon, hopefully with more in the pipeline. If you’d like to check them out, please click this Amazon link (affiliate) but if you don’t like romances, they’re probably not for you. 😊😉
Since my late teens I’ve had I guess what you’d call an entrepreneurial spirit: always trying to find a way to make money outside of my regular job. Sometimes I took it further than wishful thinking and I’ve been self-employed a few times over the years. But I became my own boss permanently in August 2015 and it is the best thing I ever did!
Nothing Beats the Freedom that Comes from Working for Yourself
It can occasionally be lonely (we will touch on this in future posts) but 99% of the time, it’s wonderful. You’re completely in control of your working day as well as your income and expenditure. You don’t have to answer to any crappy bosses (and there have been several of those over the years). And you don’t have to book time off for medical appointments, special occasions, holidays etc. It’s just great!
I’ve been incapacitated since mid-2019 but because my career is online, I can carry on working. I dread to think how life would have been over the past few years while suffering with these issues, if I’d still been an employee. Long term sickness, uncomfortable meetings with bosses, loss of income, paltry sickness/benefit payments, etc. I’ve been there once before – for several months – and putting it politely, it isn’t nice. For me, being my own boss is almost perfect. Nothing is 100% perfect – don’t believe anyone who says otherwise.
You can also find me over at PerfectlyOrganised. Decluttering and organising have been a passion of mine since the nineties and in 2004 I left my job and set up PerfectlyOrganised. I think I was ahead of my time, given the explosion of declutterers/organisers we’ve seen in recent times, including the wonderful Marie Kondo. PerfectlyOrganised still runs today as an online business (albeit in second place to EasyPeasySuccess) but the passion has never faded. Pop over and say Hi if you’re interested in living a simpler, more organised, clutter-free life. 😊
And Finally …
I would add, for anyone who has read this far (’cause I can ramble on a bit), if I can leave work and start afresh as my own boss at the age of 55, as I was in 2015, then anyone can. Never let your age be an obstacle. You’re never too old to learn something new, dream new dreams, set new goals, and ultimately, achieve them.
Lots of love, Gill

Hi, I’m Nikki! I’m a 50-something online business owner, I live in Milton Keynes but originally from North London. As a newly-single woman, I’m currently navigating my way around what that’s all about, preserving my mental health (more on this in blog posts and over on my website), and looking after my assistance dog, Rocky. I’ve been working online since 2007, on and off, and love the freedom the lifestyle gives me.
I have tried my hand at many opportunities throughout my self-employment. Some have been great and some not been so great. Like Gill, I also love the lifestyle self-employment gives me. It saved me an abundance of money in childcare when my kids were growing up, but more importantly, I was fortunate to be able to be around for them, to watch them hit their milestones in life.
Self-employment Can Offer you a Much Better Quality of Life
For example, the freedom to choose the hours you want to work and the freedom to take holidays as you please. There are negatives, like not having a stable income, but when you have many income streams it can be sustainable.
Due to a work accident I found myself dabbling in alternative therapies and essential oils – oils became my passion. It has led to a much healthier lifestyle for me and my family and I will never not have them in my life.
Goals & Targets
Being self-employed also gives me the opportunity to have my own personal goals in life. Every year I set myself a target, eg a big holiday, a financial goal, or even a health one, to keep me focused on my journey.
Anyone can have the freedom to be self-employed but it’s very important that you always do your homework on companies and their backgrounds, as I, like many, have been stung by scams in the past. But the process makes you tougher and stronger and gives you the will to keep going.
Much love, Nikki
Get in Touch
Feel free to message either of us if you are venturing out of your comfort zone – we may be able to help and support you on your journey. You’ll find us on Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook, we’d love to connect!
Thanks for visiting. Your support means so much to us.