younger self

What Advice Would you Give your Younger Self? #lifeskills 

What advice would you give to your younger self, if you had the chance? Have you ever thought about some words of wisdom you could impart that could perhaps pave the way to a brighter future? Thinking about this topic can be an introspective but also heartwarming exercise. If you’re […]

For Women Only: How To Reach Your Full Potential #Life Skills

We’ve marked this article ‘women only’ for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we’re women, and therefore we feel more qualified to speak specifically to other women. And secondly, we don’t feel particularly qualified to explain to men how to reach their full potential. There will be some similarity between the […]

Get Motivated Every Day (And How To Stay That Way)

Do you know how to get motivated every day? And more importantly, how to stay that way? Is It Even Possible To Be Motivated Every Single Day? Yes, it is – but it’s not always easy, especially when we’re ‘not in the mood’, or external factors have caused our mood […]