Here are 6 great reasons to start your own online business. There are many, most of which will be personal to you. If you’re looking to make a little extra money on the side, or you want a total change of career, working online could be the perfect place to start.
We’ve rounded up some great reasons to start working online. Yes, there can be negative aspects, but we generally try to focus on the positive. We do discuss the pitfalls in other articles, so if there’s anything you’d like to ask about, please do get in touch with us and we’ll be happy to help if we can.
1. Having An Online Business Can Be A Lot of Fun
We can verify that it can definitely be fun working online. For starters, you can choose almost any topic or business area you like and there’ll usually be a way to make money from it. If you’re a makeup artist for example, you can have loads of fun creating TikTok videos or Instagram reels. Or perhaps you can make longer videos for YouTube, where you can teach other people what you know.
For those interested in selling, the online space is of course the largest marketplace on the planet. When you choose a subject you love, you’ll get to spend time creating content around that – it often won’t even feel like work.
2. You Get To Meet Some Really Cool People
This is so true! We’ve both made friends all over the world, something that just wouldn’t be possible in a normal job. When you team up with those who share the same interests as you, you’re immediately off to a head start. And in our experience, there is very little competition amongst online workers, because there is space and a place for everyone. The vast majority of people are helpful and supportive.
3. You Can Make Money Fairly Quickly
While creating enough income to replace your salary can take a while, there are ways to make money quickly. Even something as simple as selling goods on Ebay (or similar platforms) counts – it’s making money online, after all. If you enjoy affiliate marketing, you can make a really good income, depending on what you choose to promote and sell.
The same goes for direct selling companies. Should you already have lots of followers on social media, you have a ready-made market for your goods.
As an example, there is one particular company that sells beauty products. You take orders by talking about the products (hopefully using them yourself in the first place), and your customers pay you up front when they order. Then you place your order online and you pay the wholesale price, so you have your profit in hand immediately.
We both know women working for this company who very quickly made a four-figure monthly sum. Obviously, your own results will depend on a number of factors and as we always say, do your own due diligence before signing up for anything.
You can apply direct to many companies to join their affiliate programmes (they are usually listed at the bottom of their Main or About page). For others, you need to apply via an Affiliate Network. You should also check out Clickbank’s market place, where you’ll find literally thousands of things you can promote.
4. You Are In Control Of Your Working Day
You also have complete flexibility on where and when you work, because you start your online business on your own terms. If you want to just do a few hours each week, spread over a couple of evenings, you can. Or you may be in a position where you can work more hours from the outset, such as if you’re a stay-at-home mum, for instance, or perhaps have a disability that means you can’t go out to work.
The opportunities are there for everyone, no matter your background or qualifications.
The other thing we love is being able to work from anywhere, providing there’s an internet connection. We have both worked whilst being abroad holidaying or visiting family, which felt amazing. I can’t drive at the moment but prior to that, I loved popping to one of our local coffee shops and spending a couple of hours there with my laptop. Coffee, work, and people-watching combined – bliss!
5. There Are No Bosses 👍
This could be the number one positive for a lot of people, it definitely was for me! It’s so liberating leaving a job where you’re unhappy, where the days seem long and the weekends short. Reporting purely to yourself is an eye-opener. Nobody breathing down your neck to see what you’re doing, or constantly asking when you’re going to finish something. The only person you have to answer to is you, so there’s much less pressure.
If you feel like having a day off, you don’t have to ask permission. You can go to the loo when you need to, without feeling like you’re being timed 🙄(can you tell this has happened to us?). And if you don’t feel well, you can delay starting work until you feel a bit better.
Life can also be easier for parents. Rather than juggling a job, childcare and school runs, you can opt to work only during school hours. If you get the dreaded phone call from school asking you to collect your sick child, it isn’t really a problem. You can always pick up your work in the evening, after they’ve gone to bed, should you need to. It’s all about being in control and having choices.
6. Starting A Business Online Can Be Really Cheap!
If you already have a laptop, a phone, and somewhere to sit and work, you can start your business. You don’t need to spend a fortune building a website – often, you don’t even need a website. Social media affords so many possibilities to earn, but not only that, it facilitates learning, too! YouTube is full of educational videos – you can learn almost any online skill on there. If you prefer, you can join a company like Skillshare, where for a small monthly fee, you have access to thousands of courses.
As mentioned above, a website needn’t be expensive. You can get inexpensive hosting with many companies (check out, and to compare pricing), purchase a very cheap domain name, and set up a blog or one-page website.
So There You Have It!
Would you like to work online? Or is it something you already do? If yes, what would you consider the best thing/things about it?
Setting up our online businesses and becoming self-employed is hands down the best career move we’ve made. Could it be your turn now?

3 thoughts on “6 Great Reasons to Start Your Own Online Business”
Great article and very informative information 🙂
Thanks Nichola! x