Find Your Gratitude and Live a Happier Life: Part 2

As we discussed in part 1, gratitude is a different way of thinking. But more than that, it’s a different way of feeling, and acting. No matter what your personal circumstances are, there is always a reason to be – and feel – grateful, if you look for it. Don’t […]

The 369 Code: How to Practice Manifestation with Nikola Tesla 👁️

Inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla was famously interested in the numbers 369. He believed that these numbers formed the building blocks of the Universe and that they impacted everything from energy, frequency, to matter itself. This is an abridged version of Nikki’s article on All Things Naturally Magical – you […]

November … Time to Hunker Down, Cuddle Up, and Get Our Cosy On

We love November (and not just because it’s someone’s birthday month, eh Nikki?😉). Getting cosy, embracing the season, feeling grateful, festive planning in full mode (if that’s your thing), and celebrating all things sparkly and hygge. Thanks to Scandinavian friends for introducing us to the hygge <“hoo-ga”> concept. If you’d […]

Celebrating Our 100th Blog Post – Wow, It Doesn’t Feel Real!

Yep, we’re celebrating our 100th blog post here at EasyPeasySuccess! It certainly doesn’t feel real, after the trials and tribulations we’ve both been through.😊 A little story … EasyPeasySuccess was created and the domain purchased in 2011. At the time, we were both working full-time and ‘dabbling’ online. Mostly we […]