Here’s a list of important dates, both national and international, for the months of April to June 2023.
We were surprised at how many days of the year are now allocated as ‘special’ days, for one reason or another. It seems there’s a day for everything and everyone! Here is a comprehensive list of some of the more important dates, but this is by no means 100% complete!
April to June
01 April: April Fool’s Day
02 April: International Children’s Book Day
02 April: Palm Sunday
02 April: Autism Awareness Day
04 April: International Carrot Day
05 April: Passover
05 April: National Walking Day
06 April: Maundy Thursday
06 April: Holy Thursday
07 April: World Health Day
08 April: Holy Saturday
09 April: Easter Sunday
10 April: National Siblings Day
10 April: World Homeopathy Day
11 April: National Pet Day
13 April: Last Day of Passover
13 April: National Scrabble Day
14 April: Day of Silence
14 April: Orthodox Good Friday
15 April: World Art Day
16 April: Orthodox Easter
16 April: World Voice Day
17 April: World Haemophilia Day
18 April: International Day for Monuments & Sites
20 April: Chinese Language Day
20 April: Last Day of Ramadan
21 April: National Tea Day
22 April: Earth Day
23 April: Saint George’s Day
23 April: Great British Beef Week
23 April: English Language Day
23 April: Spanish Language Day
23 April: World Book Day
25 April: World Malaria Day
25 April: World Penguin Day
26 April: International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day
26 April: International Guide Dog Day
29 April: International Dance Day
01 May: May Day
02 May: International Harry Potter Day
02 May: World Tuna Day
04 May: Star Wars Day
05 May: Cinco de Mayo
05 May: International Day of the Midwife
05 May: World Portuguese Language Day
06 May: Coronation of King Charles III
07 May: Hedgehog Awareness Week Begins
07 May: World Laughter Day
08 May: Coronation of King Charles III – Bank Holiday
08 May: V-E Day
08 May: World Red Cross Day
10 May: World Lupus Day
12 May: International Nurses Day
12 May: National Limerick Day
13 May: World Cocktail Day
13 May: Fair Trade Day
15 May: International Day of Families
16 May: International Day of Light
18 May: Ascension Day
19 May: Endangered Species Day
20 May: World Whisky (and Whiskey) Day
20 May: National Dog Rescue Day
20 May: World Bee Day
21 May: International Tea Day
21 May: World Baking Day
23 May: World Turtle Day
25 May: International Missing Children Day
28 May: World Blood Cancer Day
28 May: Pentecost
29 May: Spring Bank Holiday / Whit Monday
30 May: National Creativity Day
30 May: World Multiple Sclerosis Day
31 May: World No Tobacco Day
01 June: Global Day of Parents
01 June: World Reef Awareness Day
03 June: World Bicycle Day
04 June: National Cancer Survivor’s Day
04 June: National Cheese Day
04 June: Trinity Sunday
05 June: D-Day
05 June: World Environment Day
08 June: Corpus Christi
08 June: National Best Friends Day
08 June: World Oceans Day
10 June: Global Wellness Day
14 June: World Blood Donor Day
15 June: Beer Day Britain
16 June: Father’s Day UK
16 June: National Fudge Day
18 June: International Picnic Day
18 June: International Sushi Day
20 June: International Surfing Day
20 June: World Refugee Day
21 June: International Yoga Day
21 June: Summer Solstice – Start of Summer
22 June: World Rainforest Day
23 June: National Writing Day
23 June: International Women in Engineering Day
25 June: Global Beatles Day
27 June: National PTSD Awareness Day
28 June: Eid al-Adha
29 June: National Camera Day
30 June: International Asteroid Day
30 June: Take Your Dog to Work Day
Next quarter: July to September 2023