Did you know that Hempseed Oil (CBD) can be used for animals such as dogs, cats, even horses? Show your pets some extra love and help improve their health with Hempseed Oil products.
TLDR: skip to our recommendations
Both Nikki and I have used CBD products over the past 12-18 months to help with pain control and insomnia. The results have honestly been incredible! Nikki managed to stop taking all her prescribed painkillers, and her sleep improved beyond her expectations. From managing just 2-3 hours of moderately poor sleep per night, she returned to her normal 6-7 hours of good quality sleep, sometimes even more.
In my case (Gill), I’ve been experiencing chronic pain for a few years now and it’s not going to go away or get better anytime soon. I was so fed up with taking over 30 prescribed pills daily, sleeping sporadically through the night, and also being constantly exhausted because of it! Additionally, I was concerned about the long term effects of three plus years worth of drugs on my liver.
When I heard about Nikki’s amazing improvement I knew I had to try CBD for myself. I did check with my doctor that it was OK to take it alongside my existing drugs, and he was more than happy for me to go ahead. It’s always worth checking to ensure anything you’re already taking doesn’t clash with the CBD.
The Results
Within two months of starting CBD, I could already see an improvement in my sleep. I still only sleep in batches of a few hours but that sleep is much deeper than it was previously. As any insomniac will testify, sleep when it comes is often shallow. It does nothing to help a person feel refreshed the following morning. I now use CBD on alternate months and I feel a lot better than I did previously, both mentally and physically, since starting it last year. I also managed to reduce my painkillers to less than twenty per day – almost half of what I was taking – and that has continued to the present day.
So Where Does Hempseed Oil For Cats And Dogs Come In?
Well, Nikki started using this for her dog, Rocky – and she was amazed at the results, as she reports here.
“Rocky has numerous allergies so I introduced hemp oil to help alleviate his symptoms. He has allergies to grass, weeds, wood, bark – more or less life! I started using CBD once a day in his feed, using the correct quantity according to his weight. His feet are less angry and red and now more of a natural paw colour. He also rarely chews his paws – this is a massive improvement to his usual behaviour.
My vet had originally put him on Apoquel, which I was not happy with, so I’ve been gradually reducing his medication. He’s now only on half a tablet a day and there is still no paw infection from his allergy. All dogs can react differently, but so far I’m very happy.”
But it’s not just for allergies. During autumn and winter when the temperature drops, cold weather makes our pets’ joints stiffen – just as human ones do. It’s a great time of year to introduce Hempseed Oil products to our four-legged friends.
Hempseed Oil For Cats And Dogs
We can recommend two different Hemp Oil Products for animals, as shown below. Both are organic, made in the UK, are vegan and cruelty-free, and are highly recommended. Packed with Omega 3, 6 and 9, and essential Vitamins, they can help to make your pet feel calmer and less stressed, as well as supporting muscles and joints to help maintain your pet’s overall health.

If you try them, please let us know how you get on and if your dog or cat benefitted from Hempseed Oil.
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As always, please remember we are not qualified medical therapists and provide information for educational purposes. You should always do your own due diligence before purchasing products recommended by other people.