It’s summer!☀️ Is this your favourite time of year, as it is for many (most?) people? Or do you have a different favourite season?
If you’re in the Northern hemisphere you will know that summer has officially begun. If you follow the meteorological seasons, we’re already 3 weeks in of course. But for those of us who prefer the more traditional seasons of equinoxes and solstices, it begins today.
Although I love all seasons (including winter), my personal favourite is Autumn. It doesn’t mean I don’t love summer, because I do. Long warm days, when it’s still light approaching midnight; al fresco coffee breaks and meals; working outside (one of the wonderful things about working for yourself when you’re not location-dependent), etc. I won’t go on, you already know what it’s all about, but it is lovely. But Autumn has my heart. It’s my time of renewal and always has been, and I love the colours and cosiness of it all. What about you?
Whatever your choice, we do wish you a lovely summer and hope you get to spend time doing things you love with the people you love, or alone if that’s your preference.
Let us know in the comments if you’re a summer lover and if you’re planning on going on holiday this year.