The 369 Code: How to Practice Manifestation with Nikola Tesla 👁️

Inventor and scientist Nikola Tesla was famously interested in the numbers 369. He believed that these numbers formed the building blocks of the Universe and that they impacted everything from energy, frequency, to matter itself. This is an abridged version of Nikki’s article on All Things Naturally Magical – you […]

Monday Motivation: Words by Amanda Frances, “The Money Queen”

We love a little Monday motivation around here, do you? Today’s words of wisdom come from Amanda Frances, aka The Money Queen. (See also, self-made millionaire, best-selling author, creator of online programmes and digital products.) About Amanda You can find out more about Amanda here. Disclaimer Our site uses affiliate […]

Harnessing Daily Success: An Introduction to the Law of Attraction

How do you go about harnessing daily success, and can you do so using the Law of Attraction? To work with the Law of Attraction (LOA), you need to understand its fundamental principle: like attracts like. This universal law suggests that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs attract similar energies from […]

Reaching Your Full Potential with Manifesting

If one of your goals in life is reaching your full potential, you can do this with manifesting. A common component of the Law of Attraction is manifesting. By visualising yourself with your desired outcomes, you can bring your aspirations into reality. TLDR: skip to summary Manifesting Your Goals Faster […]