Find Your Gratitude and Live a Happier Life: Part 2

As we discussed in part 1, gratitude is a different way of thinking. But more than that, it’s a different way of feeling, and acting. No matter what your personal circumstances are, there is always a reason to be – and feel – grateful, if you look for it. Don’t […]

Find Your Gratitude and Live a Happier Life: Part 1

Can finding gratitude help us live happier lives? Well, let us ask you a question. If you were told you could do something that would make you feel happier in 30 days time, would you do it? What about 10 days from now? 2 days? An hour? Or how about […]

Harnessing Daily Success: An Introduction to the Law of Attraction

How do you go about harnessing daily success, and can you do so using the Law of Attraction? To work with the Law of Attraction (LOA), you need to understand its fundamental principle: like attracts like. This universal law suggests that your thoughts, feelings and beliefs attract similar energies from […]

Negative Thoughts: 7 Simple Methods to Help Overcome Them

Negative thoughts can affect happiness. One minute you’re happy but the next, your mind is elsewhere. Here are 7 simple methods you can use to help you combat negative thoughts. Breathe and Stop This tip requires self-awareness. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, touch yourself on the shoulder and urge […]