Monday Motivation: Words by Amanda Frances, “The Money Queen”

We love a little Monday motivation around here, do you? Today’s words of wisdom come from Amanda Frances, aka The Money Queen. (See also, self-made millionaire, best-selling author, creator of online programmes and digital products.) About Amanda You can find out more about Amanda here. Disclaimer Our site uses affiliate […]

November … Time to Hunker Down, Cuddle Up, and Get Our Cosy On

We love November (and not just because it’s someone’s birthday month, eh Nikki?😉). Getting cosy, embracing the season, feeling grateful, festive planning in full mode (if that’s your thing), and celebrating all things sparkly and hygge. Thanks to Scandinavian friends for introducing us to the hygge <“hoo-ga”> concept. If you’d […]

Law of Attraction: How to Master Your Thoughts And Beliefs

The Law of Attraction teaches us that our beliefs and thoughts, if positive, bring positive experience into our lives (and vice versa for negative ones). So by focusing on thinking and feeling positively, we can obtain positive results. LoA is often associated with the ‘New Thought’ movement, which began in […]