Our Brand New 2024 Habit Tracker: Free to Subscribers

Our brand new Habit Tracker for 2024 has just been released. Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive your free copy. When we want to be successful in the long-term, we need to focus on the short-term habits that will help us to show up as the person we need […]

For Women Only: How To Reach Your Full Potential #Life Skills

We’ve marked this article ‘women only’ for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we’re women, and therefore we feel more qualified to speak specifically to other women. And secondly, we don’t feel particularly qualified to explain to men how to reach their full potential. There will be some similarity between the […]

Monday Motivation: Words by Amanda Frances, “The Money Queen”

We love a little Monday motivation around here, do you? Today’s words of wisdom come from Amanda Frances, aka The Money Queen. (See also, self-made millionaire, best-selling author, creator of online programmes and digital products.) About Amanda You can find out more about Amanda here. Disclaimer Our site uses affiliate […]

12 Important Insights for New Online Entrepreneurs

We’d like to share 12 insights that we’ve learned over the years, since we began working online (and subsequently became self-employed). These insights, or lessons if you prefer, can apply to new or established online entrepreneurs, or anyone else who works online. They cover a range of topics, from avoiding […]