Money Monday: Lessons Learned (the Hard Way?)

While we probably won’t do Money Monday every week, we do intend to post about all things money-related on a regular basis, whether that’s spending, saving, investing, trading or cryptocurrency (digital currency)! On this occasion, we’re discussing lessons learned the hard way!😉 Do You Want to Learn About Cryptocurrency? We’ll […]

20Cogs: Make Money in Your Spare Time – NO LONGER IN OPERATION

20Cogs was an online programme subtitled Make Money in Your Spare Time. Unfortunately it is no longer in operation and apparently ceased trading in August 2022. This content has therefore been archived. 👎🏻 The original article is included below, following the image. Please check out our Free Money Offers page […]

Help Your Favourite Musicians on Amazon Music Unlimited

Help your favourite musicians by supporting this festive fundraiser on Amazon Music Unlimited! We all know how artists, performers, actors have struggled during 2020, thanks to lockdowns and closed theatres etc. Many musicians have been streaming concerts throughout the year. Amazon have sponsored many live streams, raising much-needed funds for […]

Amazon Prime Day October 2020: Bargain Day

Amazon Prime Day comes around every year. This year, 2020, it’s on 13th-14th October. If you don’t already have Prime, check out all of the benefits available. If you don’t have Amazon Prime, now is the time to consider applying for it. Then you can be rewarded with all your […]

Dropshipping: The Best Way to Sell and Earn?

Could dropshipping be the best way to sell and earn? I (Nikki) made a small part-time income dropshipping back when I started my online business journey back in 2012. Funnily enough, it’s where I met my work/business partner Gill, as she was dropshipping, too! So What Is Dropshipping? Dropshipping is […]