Do You Give Away Your Personal Power? Life Skills Series

Your immediate answer to this question will probably be no, but if you think about it, we are all giving away at least some of our personal power to perceived experts on a daily basis: to doctors, financial planners, insurance salespeople and the like. Often, these people are experts – doctors, […]

Trade 6 Minutes for the Next 60 Years of Your Life

Would you give someone 6 minutes of your time, if it could change the next 60 years of your life? The following video by GaryVee (Gary Vaynerchuk) is one we watched several years ago – he actually shared it on YouTube in 2015. Its message is as pertinent today as […]

New Year, New You? No Thanks!

New Year, when it comes down to it, is just another night/day. Nothing miraculously happens at midnight, or when you wake up on the first of January, to change your life. Only you can do that!

7 Steps to Help Make Your Goals Achievable

Did you know there are 7 steps to help make your goals achievable? How many times have you heard that being successful is all down to setting goals? It may come as no surprise to learn that there is a lot more to success than just setting goals, but in […]