Overcoming Your Fears: Is There An Easy Way?

Is there an easy way to help in overcoming your fears? What is fear, anyway? Our brains are hardwired for fear as it helps us identify threats to our safety, and then avoid them. Fear would have been essential in caveman/woman times – after all, we needed to know if […]

Do You Give Away Your Personal Power? Life Skills Series

Your immediate answer to this question will probably be no, but if you think about it, we are all giving away at least some of our personal power to perceived experts on a daily basis: to doctors, financial planners, insurance salespeople and the like. Often, these people are experts – doctors, […]

Add a Little Sparkle to the Dark Days of Winter

Adding a little sparkle to our lives is important, especially now. If you don’t agree, please hear us out. The days are dark in more ways than one at the moment. If we watch the news, we’re bombarded with tragedies, some natural, many man-made. Lives being lost in horrific circumstances, […]

Law of Attraction Advent Calendar: Starts this Friday

Just a couple of days to go until the Law of Attraction Advent Calendar begins, so if this is something you’re interested in, please check out our recent post about it. As we mentioned in the post, we have both done this calendar before and it’s a wonderful experience. It’s […]

Our Brand New 2024 Habit Tracker: Free to Subscribers

Our brand new Habit Tracker for 2024 has just been released. Subscribe to our newsletter below to receive your free copy. When we want to be successful in the long-term, we need to focus on the short-term habits that will help us to show up as the person we need […]