How To Set Up A Self-hosted Blog (Complete Beginners Guide)

This article will walk you through the basic steps of how to set up a self-hosted blog and is aimed at complete beginners. A self-hosted blog is one that you own and control, self-hosted on your own web server rather than on a platform like Blogger or This gives […]

Get Motivated Every Day (And How To Stay That Way)

Do you know how to get motivated every day? And more importantly, how to stay that way? Is It Even Possible To Be Motivated Every Single Day? Yes, it is – but it’s not always easy, especially when we’re ‘not in the mood’, or external factors have caused our mood […]

Succeeding As A Woman In A Man’s World

It’s amazing and crazy that even though it’s 2023, we’re still talking about succeeding as a woman in a man’s world. Yes, it’s 2023 and this is definitely still a man’s world, and women often face unique challenges in succeeding in their careers. However, there are many things that we […]

Our Favourite Ways To Make Money Online

We thought we’d share our favourite ways to make money online as we are always looking to inspire others who may be thinking of starting their own online business. As we’ve said before, it’s important to have more than one income stream because you never know what’s going to happen […]

How To Overcome Negative Beliefs Around Money And Achieve Financial Success

Do you know how to overcome negative beliefs around money, and how that could help you achieve financial success? Achieving financial success isn’t easy and you’ll probably encounter many roadblocks along the way, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Removing A Major Obstacle To Financial Success Negative beliefs around money […]