Reaching Your Full Potential with Manifesting

If one of your goals in life is reaching your full potential, you can do this with manifesting. A common component of the Law of Attraction is manifesting. By visualising yourself with your desired outcomes, you can bring your aspirations into reality. TLDR: skip to summary Manifesting Your Goals Faster […]

Negative Thoughts: 7 Simple Methods to Help Overcome Them

Negative thoughts can affect happiness. One minute you’re happy but the next, your mind is elsewhere. Here are 7 simple methods you can use to help you combat negative thoughts. Breathe and Stop This tip requires self-awareness. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, touch yourself on the shoulder and urge […]

Personal Accountability: The Influence You Have on the World

What does personal accountability mean to you? Do you even realise the influence you have on the world? Everyone influences someone. We may not be leaders, but we are in leadership; we may not be powerful, but we have power. And we may not have responsibility but we are responsible. […]