What Would You Tell Your Younger Self? Life Skills Series

Your younger self – have you ever thought about what you would tell him/her if you had the chance? What words of wisdom you could impart, that could perhaps pave the way to a brighter future and better life?

We’re going to dive into this topic, which can be both heartwarming and introspective. If you’re a member of the fabulous 40+ crowd, perhaps you’d like to embark on a journey of self-discovery and reflection yourself?

Being Part of the 40+ Crowd (And Some!)

At this stage in our lives, we’ve seen and experienced a lot of life’s ups and downs. Hopefully, we’ve grown wiser with each passing year (not so sure about that mind you 🫣😆 ). There’s a certain magic that comes with age though, and while we can’t turn back the clock, we can certainly learn from our journey and use that knowledge to improve our lives now.

So let’s put on our own reflective glasses and take a stroll down memory lane, and check out the invaluable lessons we’ve learned along the way.

TLDR: skip to summary

Revisiting Our Younger Selves

So what would we tell our younger selves? And what kind of difference could it make to our lives in the here and now?

Embrace Your Quirks and Uniqueness

Remember those times when you tried hard to fit in? When you felt you needed to change who you were to conform to societal expectations? If you could talk to your younger self, then the first piece of advice might be to embrace your quirks and uniqueness.

Your individuality is your strength, and it’s what makes you stand out from the crowd. So go ahead and wear those funky clothes, read those obscure books, or pursue those unconventional hobbies with pride. Because in the end, it’s your unique qualities that make you shine.

It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

Mistakes can be called the stepping stones to wisdom. If you could have a chat with your younger self, you might want to say, ‘it’s okay to make mistakes’. Those errors and mis-steps have taught you valuable lessons and have made you who you are today. Embrace them and never fear trying new things, even if you stumble along the way.

(There are loads of books out there for anyone interested in the different aspects of how our pasts have shaped/changed us. One we’d highly recommend is The Art of Letting Go, which teaches us how to let go of the past, to enable us to enrich the present.)

Invest in Your Health

Health is wealth, and the older you get, the more you realise just how true this is. If you could send a message to your younger self, you’d probably emphasise how important it is that they invest in their health.

It goes without saying that we need to eat well, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and also manage stress. It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely beneficial, especially in the long term. These habits will allow you to enjoy life to the fullest as you age.

Prioritise Self-Care

Self-care isn’t a luxury: it’s a necessity. Speaking to your younger self, you might want to tell them to make self-care a priority. (See our 30-day self-care challenge for some ideas if you need them.)

Taking time for yourself, whether through hobbies, relaxation, or pampering, is essential for mental and emotional well-being. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup, so make sure to fill yours up.

Nurture Your Relationships

Your older self would probably remind you that relationships are one of life’s most precious gifts. Cherish your friendships, maintain close connections with family*, and invest in your romantic partnerships. These bonds can provide love, support, and joy that will sustain you throughout the years.

*We realise not all family connections are beneficial, so obviously this will depend on your personal circumstances. Do what works for you.

Time Is Precious

Obviously, this is a biggie! As the years go by, you realise just how quickly time passes. If you could talk to your younger self, you might say that time is precious, and to use it wisely. Pursue your passions and spend time with the people who matter most to you. Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, don’t put off your dreams for tomorrow; start working on them today.

Tell Your Younger Self to Take Risks and Embrace Change

In your 40s and beyond, you understand the value of taking risks and embracing change. Perversely, you may also be more afraid of things than when you were younger, because you know the risks involved. (Especially things like dangerous sports, which some of the more ‘mature’ crowd may eschew for something safer.) But we’d still encourage our younger selves to be fearless, to step out of our comfort zones, and also to welcome change as an opportunity for growth.

Life is an adventure, and every twist and turn adds to the richness of our stories.

If We Could Only Give One Piece of Advice To Our Younger Selves it Would Be This: Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

In the modern world of social media and the impossibly high standards young people are exposed to on a daily basis, it’s important to remember the saying, ‘comparison is the thief of joy’.

If you could give only one piece of advice to your younger self, it might be to stop comparing yourself to others. This is easier said than done, however, but you’re on your own unique journey and your path is entirely your own. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and appreciate your progress.

Find Your Passions

One of the joys of getting older is the chance to explore and discover your passions. So perhaps you’d remind your younger self to follow their heart, to explore different interests, and to find what truly makes their soul sing.

Life is too short to spend it doing things you’re not passionate about.

It’s Never Too Late

Lastly, one message your older self would hopefully convey to your younger self is that it’s never too late. No matter where you are in life, you have the power to make positive changes and pursue your dreams. Age is just a number, and the best is yet to come.

And Finally …

If we could turn back the hands of time and share these insights with our younger selves, we might be living a completely different life today. But the beauty of growing older is that we can apply these lessons right now. For example, we may not be able to become an Olympic athlete, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get enjoyment from our favourite sport and give our best to it.

So whether you’re in your 40s, 50s, 60s or beyond, take a moment to reflect on your own journey. Appreciate your growth, and continue embracing life with all of its ups and downs. Wisdom gained is something to treasure, and it’s never too late to make your life the best it can possibly be.


  • Embrace your quirks and uniqueness
  • It’s okay to make mistakes
  • Invest in your health
  • Prioritise self-care
  • Nurture your relationships
  • Time is precious
  • Take risks and embrace change
  • Don’t compare yourself to others
  • Find your passions
  • It’s never too late


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