Overcoming Your Fears: Is There An Easy Way?

Is there an easy way to help in overcoming your fears? What is fear, anyway? Our brains are hardwired for fear as it helps us identify threats to our safety, and then avoid them. Fear would have been essential in caveman/woman times – after all, we needed to know if […]

Do You Give Away Your Personal Power? Life Skills Series

Your immediate answer to this question will probably be no, but if you think about it, we are all giving away at least some of our personal power to perceived experts on a daily basis: to doctors, financial planners, insurance salespeople and the like. Often, these people are experts – doctors, […]

Give the Gift of Cruelty-Free Beauty & Skincare this Christmas

If your gift list includes cruelty-free beauty and skincare this year, look no further than Tropic’s beautiful Gifting Collection. Tropic have some beautiful gift sets available in their Gifting Collection this Christmas. Check out the last ordering dates for guaranteed Christmas delivery at my storefront. But be quick, as many […]

For Women Only: How To Reach Your Full Potential #Life Skills

We’ve marked this article ‘women only’ for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we’re women, and therefore we feel more qualified to speak specifically to other women. And secondly, we don’t feel particularly qualified to explain to men how to reach their full potential. There will be some similarity between the […]