Comfort Zones: The Many Rewards Of Stepping Out Of Them

Stepping out of our comfort zones offers many rewards, so why don’t we leave them more often? And why do we create them in the first place? Because they make us feel safe. Comfort Zones = Safe Havens Generally, we create comfort zones unintentionally. They’re like safe havens to us: […]

Love Yourself Fiercely: Words To Live By, from Carla Leyba

“Love yourself fiercely. No one is coming to save you, to give you permission, to choose you, to validate you. This has always been your job. You must love yourself so fiercely, and fully that you have no choice but to be strong for yourself, to fight for yourself, to […]

Weeding Out The Negative People In Our Lives

Weeding out the negative people in our lives is vitally important for our growth as individuals, and for our overall mental health. Why? Well, read on and we’ll explain. TLDR: Skip to summary Negative people can be toxic to our well-being. They can drain our energy, make us feel less […]

10 Ways To Boost (Or Find) Your Self-Confidence

Before we dive into 10 ways to boost (or find) your self confidence, let’s look at the basic definition of self-confidence. Self confidence is not just a single thing, it’s a process. It involves how we think about ourselves, how we function in challenging situations, and our overall mental health […]